For Female:
Correction of Fertility Problem, Uterus Disease, Polycytic Over in Disease(PCOD),Forlilicle Growth,Menstrual Disorder, Stop Excessive Bleeding in Menstrual Period (Dysmenorheh) Leucorhea Lactation, Anaemic, To improve body weight, To prevent hair fall, Hormonal imbalance.For Male:
Importence, Neuro Problems, Infertility due to male low sperm count,Hydrocele,Semen emission during sleep,Smoke and Alcohal Addiction Cure. For all Male & Female: Diabetes, Fatique,Joint pain,Back Pain, Body ache, Uncontrolled Urination, Kidney and Bladder stones, Leucorrhea blood urea, Kidney problem,Uncured Joint Pain, Prolonged & Unhealed sores (due to Diabetes) Surgical wounds ,Itching, Psoriasis,Insect bite,Filariasis,Piles,Bleeding Piles,Fistula, Diarrhea, Irritable bowel Syndrome, Prolonged Headache migraine,Sinus,Bronchitis,Asthma,Wheezing,Eosinophilia,Respiratory Problem,Appetite,Thyroid.
Special Treatment:
Disc Degeneration,Disc Prolapse, Neck Bone Disorders, Paralysis, Side Effects of Diabetics, Special for Spinal Problems L1,L2,L3,L4,L5